This is a bundled package for unlimited on-net voice and broadband, and hence will only be available to PSTN landline residential subscribers who have an active broadband connection.
All on-net calls (local and NWD) will not be charged, whereas all off-net calls (local, NWD, Mobile and International) will be charged as per the existing tariff. The salient features of this package are summarized as following:
*Unlimited on-net local & NWD calls (PTCL to PTCL and PTCL to V-fone) along with DSL broadband service for a fixed monthly charge. The package tariff / charges are:

All off-net calls (local, NWD, Mobile and International) & other services will be charged as per the existing tariff
Only residential customers with PTCL landline and broadband DSL service will be eligible for this package
The package charges include Broadband charges, and fixed charges for unlimited on-net calls,
Line rent will be waived off for customers availing this package.
This will be an opt-in package with subscription through PTCL’s Helpline:1236
Smart line customers will have to pay Rs 300 on-top of this package charges.